The No Whining Zone.

The No Whining Zone.

When my kids were little and we’d go on road trips, sooner or later the whining would begin. “Are we there yet?” “I’m hungry.” “She touched me.” “I have to go to the bathroom.” No matter what I tried, I couldn’t get them to stop. Until one day we hit...
How to Communicate During the Corona Crises.

How to Communicate During the Corona Crises.

Chances are you’ve seen these next couple paragraphs. In fact, I’ll bet you’ve seen comments just like these sent to you from your cable company, your bank, your credit card company, and maybe even one or two of the online services you subscribe to:...
Your Kids Can’t Tell Time

Your Kids Can’t Tell Time

Your kids can’t tell time. Did you know that? Really, they can’t tell time. Don’t believe me? Test them some time. Wait until you’re in a room with an analog clock and a teenager or a twenty-something. Tell them they can’t look at their...