by Bruce Turkel | Dec 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
One of my business rules is that I only present new creative solutions in person. I didn’t send them by fax machine or FedEx years ago, and I refuse to send them by email or text today. And yeah, interactive meeting technology such as Zoom, Webex, GoToMeeting,...
by Bruce Turkel | Dec 22, 2020 | All About Them, Branding, Is That All There Is?, Uncategorized
I love the holidays. That’s probably not such a unique statement. You probably love the holidays, too. Maybe you love holidays for the traditions, maybe for the food. Maybe you love the gifts, or the reassuring rituals. Perhaps you have a religious or...
by Bruce Turkel | Dec 16, 2020 | All About Them, Bruce Turkel, Uncategorized
There’s an old story about the two footwear salespeople who were sent to a tropical island: After spending a day walking around the island looking for opportunities, the first salesperson emailed the home office: “Sending my samples back ASAP. No one here wears...
by Bruce Turkel | Dec 8, 2020 | All About Them, Branding, Bruce Turkel, Building Brand Value, Is That All There Is?
For the past 700-something newsletters we’ve shared, I have tried to focus on who your customer is. Today I’d like to talk about something even more important — who your customer isn’t. In David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross, people who are not...
by Bruce Turkel | Dec 1, 2020 | Is That All There Is?, Uncategorized
What is Thanksgiving all about? Forget the turkey and the stuffing, forget the apocryphal story of the Pilgrims and their native Americans dinner guests, try to even forget about the cranberry sauce and the pumpkin pie. The real meaning of Thanksgiving is right there...