by Bruce Turkel | Feb 25, 2020 | Keynote speaking
In the New York Times article “My Piece of the American Id” the author poignantly points out the way she’s been mistreated as a black woman in the United States. As the author says, “Like all people of color, I’ve been on the receiving end of racial...
by Bruce Turkel | Feb 19, 2020 | Branding, Keynote speaking
Thanks to all the recent press about reclining airline seats, I have a question for you: When do airline passengers have a right to recline their seat? A. Whenever they want, it’s their seat. B. Almost never, c’mon, there’s someone sitting behind...
by Bruce Turkel | Feb 10, 2020 | Leadership
Accounting for Accountability Just about a year ago, my daughter Aliana relocated from Washington DC to Los Angeles. I had recently sold my business and had newly minted free time on my hands. Plus, I had a great keynote speaker gig scheduled in Anaheim, California,...
by Bruce Turkel | Feb 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Troy Hazard drew an XY coordinate diagram on the flip chart in bold, black Magic Marker. He pointed to the lines as he explained the concept of value exchange. Troy was showing his audience of potential public speakers how to price their services and successfully...
by marketing.bruceturkel | Jan 29, 2020 | Bruce Turkel, Building Brand Value, Marketing & Advertising
Up on stage as the opening keynote speaker, I explained to my audience why their efforts branding their businesses by promoting the functions of what they sell or what they do was ineffectual. Instead, I suggested they should spend their time establishing an emotional...