Make It All About Them

Make It All About Them

Seven brutal hours into the negotiation, the people facing each other in the law firm conference room are only $100,000 apart. The plaintiff’s attorneys had demanded three-quarters of a million dollars. The defense attorneys had insisted the case wasn’t...
Whole Foods Salmon

Whole Foods Salmon

“I went to Whole Foods for the first time since they were bought by Amazon. I read they lowered the price of salmon to $9.99/lb. Wow! We love healthy salmon! They do have salmon for $9.99. But after reading the 5-point type, I saw that all of their lower-priced salmon...
I Hate Meetings

I Hate Meetings

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time you know that I periodically write about the meetings I attend. You might also remember that I attend a lot of meetings and that I hate meetings. Of course, the smart question should be why I attend so many...
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