Fee or Free? Which Helps The Most?

Fee or Free? Which Helps The Most?

My friend Cathy Berkowitz ran a risk-management consulting firm. She and her business partner would tour factories and recommend the steps needed to protect companies against potential calamities. Cathy soon discovered that the problem with her business concept...

What Do You Value?

Troy Hazard drew an XY coordinate diagram on the flip chart in bold, black Magic Marker. He pointed to the lines as he explained the concept of value exchange. Troy was showing his audience of potential public speakers how to price their services and successfully...
Doing Well by Doing Good

Doing Well by Doing Good

My friend Carlos Oramas, CEO of the Gems Group, took a weekend off to spend time with his 10-year old daughter. Carlos and some friends went on a father-daughter cruise on a Royal Caribbean (RCCL) ship. His plan was to enjoy the amenities and the open sea, and to...