by Bruce Turkel | May 15, 2018 | Branding, Building Brand Value
For years Google has crowed about their code of conduct, “Don’t be evil.” In 2015 they doubled down on the concept, if not the actual words, when they introduced their new tagline “Do the right thing.” As the company explains in their code of conduct,...
by Bruce Turkel | Oct 24, 2017 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Strolling past the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago in Chile towards the Mercado Central sends you from the sacred to the secular. The street leading to the giant seafood market is lined with cut-price flea market booths hawking tourist tchotchkes, drinks and snack...
by Bruce Turkel | May 21, 2016 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
One Word Brands. The Key to Donald Trump‘s Success. Of the estimated $2 billion dollars in free media Donald Trump has received during the 2016 presidential campaign, lots of it has been dedicated to explaining his surprisingly successful rise as the GOP’s...
by Bruce Turkel | Nov 18, 2015 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Last week we were all shocked and horrified by the tragic news coming out of France — almost 150 innocent people killed during four different coordinated terrorist attacks throughout Paris. Just days earlier a suicide bomber detonated their vest in a café in Lebanon,...
by Bruce Turkel | Nov 9, 2015 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
By now you’ve probably seen the Emirates video. In it Jetman Dubai pilots Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet fly alongside an Emirates A380 airliner. If you haven’t watched the Emirates video yet, click HERE. It’s exciting and dramatic. In fact, it’s...