A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Whenever I park my bicycle, I’m careful to lock it securely to a bike rack or lamp post. I use a Kryptonite shackle lock and always make sure I run it through my bike frame and around secure anchors. I do all this with the hope that my bike will be right where I...
People Don’t Know What They Want

People Don’t Know What They Want

A lot of people don’t know what they want, what their goals and aspirations are or what they are capable of. Because people don’t have a good understanding of who they are and what they want, offering them bromides about “being all they can be,” or...
Do No Evil. Unless You Do.

Do No Evil. Unless You Do.

For years Google has crowed about their code of conduct, “Don’t be evil.” In 2015 they doubled down on the concept, if not the actual words, when they introduced their new tagline “Do the right thing.”   As the company explains in their code of conduct,...
A Whale of a Good Idea

A Whale of a Good Idea

Metaphors and allegories are often great ways to make complicated examples simple. In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” the philosopher used the idea of prisoners chained to a wall and seeing only the shadows of other people to express the concept of actual...
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