by Bruce Turkel | Feb 13, 2018 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
When Opportunity Knocks…Last Sunday was the Das Renn Treffen show in South Miami. Over 450 Porsches – from 60-year old 356s to brand spanking new 911 GT3s – were parked on the streets of South Miami. It’s the largest Porsche show on the Eastern Seaboard and...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 23, 2018 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Did you know that more than 4.4 million working Americans are drivers? According to the Census Bureau, more than 2% drive trucks, 0.4% drive busses, and 0.3% drive cabs and other vehicles. In most parts of the US, truck driving is the most common job for men. In The...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 2, 2018 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Leadership, Marketing & Advertising
Retail purchases used to be made in bricks and mortar stores. Today, more and more sales are made online. Politicians and celebrities used to communicate with voters through press secretaries, publicists, and multi-level public relations. Today, more and more of them...
by Bruce Turkel | Aug 1, 2017 | Branding, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Make Business Simple – My Four-Word Rules For Success. #6 in a series. We͛ve spent the last few weeks talking about my four-word rules for business success. My goal remains simple: I want to give you easy to implement tools, tactics, and techniques to make your...
by Bruce Turkel | Jun 27, 2017 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Make Business Simple – Four-Word Rules for Success Leonardo da Vinci wrote, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Confucius said, “Life is really simple, but we insist in making it complicated.” Chopin believed, “Simplicity is the final achievement.” If those...