The Secret To Our Success.

In the last few months our branding firm has seen an unprecedented rash of new business opportunities. While I never look a gift horse in the mouth, the control freak, Type-A part of my personality wants to know where they’re all coming from. The small part of...

The Two Most Important Words In Sales

We’re sitting in the large conference room of a Fortune 500 company in a small town somewhere in the Northeast. The company has filled the room with their best thinkers — the president of industrial products, their CIO and CMO and the VPs of marketing, product...

The Seven-Step Recipe for Marketing Success

Owen Frager is Chief Innovation Officer of the Frager Creative Group, one of the nation’s first virtual marketing communications agencies serving Fortune 500 brands.There’s a lot more to interactive digital marketing than eye-catching banner ads, discount...

The Real Value of Tourism

I spend a lot of time working in the tourism industry so I think about it a lot. But for the past couple weeks my wife and I have been traveling throughout northern Spain and I’ve been living tourism as well. Because travel is such a normal part of our everyday...

The Five Biggest Lies in Business

We’ve all heard the lies:“The Mercedes is paid for.” “I’ll call you in the morning.” “I’m from the IRS and I’m here to help.” “You may already be a winner.” But lately, thanks to the brave new world of online marketing, I’ve heard five...
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