What Do You Value?

Troy Hazard drew an XY coordinate diagram on the flip chart in bold, black Magic Marker. He pointed to the lines as he explained the concept of value exchange. Troy was showing his audience of potential public speakers how to price their services and successfully...
Your Kids Can’t Tell Time

Your Kids Can’t Tell Time

Your kids can’t tell time. Did you know that? Really, they can’t tell time. Don’t believe me? Test them some time. Wait until you’re in a room with an analog clock and a teenager or a twenty-something. Tell them they can’t look at their...

Your Kids Cannot Tell Time.

Your kids cannot tell time. Did you know that? Really, they can’t tell time. Don’t believe me? Test them sometime. Wait until you’re in a room with an analog clock and a teenager or twenty-something. Tell them they can’t look at their phone and...

Setting The Record Straight.

If you visit the Smithsonian Institute, one of the exhibits you might see is a lunch counter that’s been carefully relocated from a Woolworth’s store in Greensboro, North Carolina to Washington D.C. History says that the counter was the site of the first...
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