Twittering, Jiwaiing, Taotaoing

“The biggest reason, especially for anyone looking to increase PR, is that Twitter gives you an easily broadcast, unique URL to an audience primed to receive messages of that very kind. Greetings Friends, Which social networking site you should be a part of and why?...

Fishing For New Business

I was talking to Mark, my new business guy, and he wanted to know if I respond to the new business leads I find with Google Alerts. When I told him I do, he asked what my success rate was. It didn’t take a second of thought to come up with the answer – almost...

Twitter Comes Full Circle

A couple days ago I posted a notice on Twitter that I was speaking at the SMPS (Society for Marketing Professional Services) and invited my Twitter followers to attend. John David, principal in David & Garcia PR took me up on my offer. On the way there I checked...

Our wish for a marketing new year.

Our wish for our clients – and all marketers – is that they focus on the message instead of the sale. Shift your marketing focus away from telling the consumer what we think they need to a message that focuses on what the consumer wants. You want to be successful in...

New Technology in Plain English

Wonder what Twitter is? Don’t understand Podcasting, Social Media or Blogs? How about Online Photo Sharing? Now you don’t have to ask your sister’s twelve-year old and watch him roll his eyes. Instead, point your browser to It is a...
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