Lessons from the Tar Pit

Lessons from the Tar Pit

After finally figuring out he was hopelessly mired in the sticky tar pit, the struggling diplodocus called out to his friend, the triceratops, happily munching reeds at the edge of the glossy black surface: “Hey buddy,” the hapless diplodocus bellowed, “wade on in...
Evolution and Your Brand Value

Evolution and Your Brand Value

The speed of evolution is measured by the genetic changes of a species over time. If these genetic changes occur over a short period of time, the speed of evolution is defined as “fast.” Of course, “fast” is a matter of interpretation because, evolutionary speaking, a...
Video is the New Black

Video is the New Black

Here are some interesting online marketing facts for you: Over 70% of B2B marketers confirm that video is more effective than text for brand building. A study done a few years ago reported that social video outreach generated 1200% more shares than text and images...