How To Get A Job.

Last week I wrote a bit about The Real Value of Tourism and its effect on the world. Specifically I wanted to explain my thoughts on how travel gives us a better understanding of cultures around us and how the tourism industry creates jobs. After I published my post,...

I Got Nothin’

Since the first day I made a speech in public, I’ve done everything I can think of to become better. My obsession started with my first talk — I was so nervous about presenting to a live audience that I wanted whatever help I could get before I made a fool of...

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing

When I started my business my father called my action “the confidence of ignorance.” I didn’t really know what I didn’t know so I held my nose and jumped right in. And with some long hours, perseverance, the hard work of lots of great people, and some good...

The Four “A”s Of Travel Marketing

In the last few weeks I’ve had a particularly busy travel schedule. I’ve spoken at conferences in Anaheim, San Francisco, New York, Houston, and twice in San Juan. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be visiting Texas, New Jersey, Colorado and Mallorca and...

Unmashing a Mashup

According to web technologist Cameron Adams, a mashup is “a song created by blending two or more other songs.” In analog terms, a mashup is a musical collage made up of bits and pieces of other songs, sound effects, and audio files. But while you can look at a collage...
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