What’s Even Better Than Being Lucky?

A revelation on luck from four different encounters: Number One: Last week I ran into Andy Bernstein, an old friend of mine from college. Andy and I only had a few minutes together in the elevator but we quickly reminisced about the fun we had in school and the few...

The Art of Story Selling

Many people who make speeches and presentations think speaking is about communicating facts. Because they’ve read books on public speaking or have listened to the old three-step plan for making a presentation, “Tell them what you’re going to tell them,...

Getting More

I was at the Qwest Center in Omaha last week, getting ready to make a presentation to a great group of meeting professionals when the phone in my pocket buzzed. The text message was from my friend David: “@ meeting w/5 directors & 20 lawyers. Thought would be good...

The Five Rules for Creative Success in 2011

Seems like many of the blogs I read just posted their best or worst of lists for 2010. I thought maybe it would be a little more useful to create a list of five important ideas for marketing success in 2011. 1 The Future Started Yesterday. When I speak on social media...
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