Brand Building and Social Media

Brand Building and Social Media

My friend and great keynote speaker Randy Gage turned me on to this article the other day: “University of Georgia football fans are taking their fandom to the next level ahead of a game between the Bulldogs and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. Dill’s Food City, a...

When Everything is Important, nothing is Important

The adage is as ancient as it is accurate: The wizened Indian Fakir lies down on a bed of razor-sharp nails and rests comfortably as a baby in her mother’s arms. But walk barefoot on the beach and step on an old pop-top? You cut your foot open and require...
Seeing Through Transparency

Seeing Through Transparency

Seeing Through Transparency Legends and fairy tales have always been a great way of looking at what society finds both frightening or exemplary. For example, back in Medieval times, the plagues that spread unseen contagion fed the original vampire legends. And as...