The Seven-Step Recipe for Marketing Success

Owen Frager is Chief Innovation Officer of the Frager Creative Group, one of the nation’s first virtual marketing communications agencies serving Fortune 500 brands.There’s a lot more to interactive digital marketing than eye-catching banner ads, discount...

Beware of the Bazookas!!

Technology has changed everything. And in last week’s blog post, The Five Rules for Creative Success in 2011, we talked about the five factors we’ll need to deal with in order to manage for results in the brave new world: 1      The Future Started...

The Five Rules for Creative Success in 2011

Seems like many of the blogs I read just posted their best or worst of lists for 2010. I thought maybe it would be a little more useful to create a list of five important ideas for marketing success in 2011. 1 The Future Started Yesterday. When I speak on social media...

Branding Yourself

Via: Owen Frager With Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter becoming your defacto resume, and shaping the image how most will perceive you, our friend Jay Berkowitz shares a great read from the Brand Building Blog. To make it simple, branding yourself is about letting...