I Gotta Get Different Friends.

I met my running buddies at 5:45 this morning. We banged out five and a half miles at a nine to ten minutes per mile pace. Believe it or not, Barbara had already done five miles before the rest of the group even showed up, Daniel ran seven more miles after we...

Everyone Wants To Be A Rock Star

Someone sent me an article that asked successful CEOs what they would rather do if they weren’t in their current positions. Doctor? Lawyer? Indian Chief? No, everyone wants to be a rock star. Guitar Center has built an enormous business selling guitars and amps...

The Deadbeat Brand

Have you ever been witness to the Pocket Pat?  When it’s done well, it’s a thing of beauty, lemme tell you. I was invited to lunch by a guy I’ll call Lloyd. He’s a successful local businessman and pretty wired into the goings-on in South...

Does Pretty Matter?

In his best seller Blink, Malcolm Gladwell writes about the veracity of the decisions we make quickly, arguing that millions of years of evolution have given us the perceptive skills we need to make instant choices, often without all the facts. One of his examples is...
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