The Five Rules for Creative Success in 2011

Seems like many of the blogs I read just posted their best or worst of lists for 2010. I thought maybe it would be a little more useful to create a list of five important ideas for marketing success in 2011. 1 The Future Started Yesterday. When I speak on social media...

Everyone Wants To Publish A Book.

Every speaker I meet on the circuit thinks they’d be more successful if only they published a book. People I meet at cocktail parties and networking events want to know how I got my books published because they all “have a book in them.” Even published authors...

Life or Death Direct Marketing

In the great world of marketing there are many subsets of practices and practitioners. Advertising, branding, promotions, public relations, and online marketing are perhaps the most widely known but there are lots of others. Theoretically they’re all concerned...

Customer Service and the Power of Social Media

A few weeks ago I posted a story on customer service (Heart Surgery, Thomas Edison, and Customer Service. Click here to read the story). Specifically I wrote about how despite a very successful medical procedure, shoddy treatment created such a poor impression. Lots...

The Boomers Shall Inherit the Earth.

Between now and 2014, 10 Boomers will turn 50 years old every minute. By 2030, 20% of Americans will be 65+. What’s most remarkable is that most of them will live at least 25 years more, creating the largest and wealthiest generation in the history of the United...
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