What’s In A Name?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about labels lately and questioning how much impact they have on behavior. What I’m wondering is if names can be the harbingers of action or if that’s just a shallow and ultimately worthless supposition. About a year...

Is Anyone Reading All This Stuff?

Lots of articles on social media talk about how critical a blog is to a business’ online strategy. The old edict of “publish or perish” has been embraced and updated to include tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn updates and an increasingly ubiquitous barrage of blog...

Has Tiger Woods poisoned the spokesman well?

Today a TV business pundit asked if the Tiger Woods‘ situation had poisoned the spokesman well for everyone. Unfortunately, I don’t think so. Many unsophisticated marketers use it because the spokesperson model of advertising is usually an easy way for a...

L’esprit de l’escalier

I was meeting with a potential client today and all they wanted to hear about was what we could do for them in Social Media. After answering their questions about Twitter, Facebook and Trip Advisor and showing them some of the successful SM programs we’ve run, I...

Is There Life After Branding?

A few months ago I made a presentation titled Building Brand Value to a group of industrial service providers. While I spoke there were about 300 people in the room furiously scribbling notes. As soon as I finished talking, a bunch of hands went up and the crowd...
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