The Greatest Advertising Agency in the World

A few weeks ago I posted the question, What Business Are You In?  I got lots of answers, both on and off the comment section of the blog. Many of them were very insightful — most readers understand that the reason their customers buy from them is often quite different...


Since the advent of the Internet and email, we’ve all become experts at using acronyms in our notes.LOL – “Laughing Out Loud.” IMHO – “In My Humble Opinion.” BTW – “By The Way.” POS – “Parent Over Shoulder.” Most of these turn up in emails I read regularly...

Nine Micro-Branding Tips Under $100 Each.

Last week we talked about how the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) has built a tourism marketing machine by focusing on building the singular Miami brand (you can read that post HERE). Thanks to aggressively pursuing this strategy, recent...

Physician, Heal Thyself

I was sitting at the table at a conference recently, listening to a world-renowned speaker talking about differentiating business brands. The young woman who raised her hand to ask a question was going on and on about her business problems and her personal problems;...

How To Get A Job.

Last week I wrote a bit about The Real Value of Tourism and its effect on the world. Specifically I wanted to explain my thoughts on how travel gives us a better understanding of cultures around us and how the tourism industry creates jobs. After I published my post,...