I Got Nothin’

Since the first day I made a speech in public, I’ve done everything I can think of to become better. My obsession started with my first talk — I was so nervous about presenting to a live audience that I wanted whatever help I could get before I made a fool of...

Setting The Record Straight.

If you visit the Smithsonian Institute, one of the exhibits you might see is a lunch counter that’s been carefully relocated from a Woolworth’s store in Greensboro, North Carolina to Washington D.C. History says that the counter was the site of the first...

The Greatest Blogger of the 16th-Century

Depending on when you started reading this blog it may or may not be obvious to you that it’s an experimental and constantly evolving work-in-progress. When I started the blog in August of ‘06, I had no idea what I was doing. I knew that I wanted to begin a...

Learning From Longhand and Furlongs.

My laptop broke so I’m writing this blog post longhand. There was an afternoon once when I was at lunch and got inspired and thumb-typed an article on my phone but this the first time I’ve ever written a post with a pen and paper. Even that wasn’t so...
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