The Responsibility of Privilege.

The Responsibility of Privilege.

The Responsibility of Privilege. When I go for a jog early in the morning and a police car slows down behind me, I assume they are either being courteous or looking out for my safety. That's white privilege. When I check into a hotel in a strange city, I never  worry...
It Was Interesting. But Was it Right?

It Was Interesting. But Was it Right?

In the New York Times article “My Piece of the American Id” the author poignantly points out the way she's been mistreated as a black woman in the United States. As the author says, “Like all people of color, I've been on the receiving end of racial microaggressions...
Lessons from the Tar Pit

Lessons from the Tar Pit

After finally figuring out he was hopelessly mired in the sticky tar pit, the struggling diplodocus called out to his friend, the triceratops, happily munching reeds at the edge of the glossy black surface: “Hey buddy,” the hapless diplodocus bellowed, “wade on in...
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