Monetizing Talent.

Vincent Van Gogh died broken and penniless. He could not monetize his talent. Takashi Murakami figured it out. He makes big money selling cartoonish figures as fine art and licensing his outrageous colors for $5,000 limited edition Louis Vuitton handbags. Murakami is...

There Is No Box.

In last Wednesday’s USA TODAY, there was an article titled, “Funeral homes discover new life.” It described a new trend across the country where traditional funeral homes are marketing their centers “not just as a place to mourn the dead, but as sites for events...

Knowledge is power. Really?

It’s been almost five weeks since the Deepwater Horizon disaster and barrels of oil continue to pour out of a broken pipe 5,000 feet below the ocean’s surface. “Green” BP is trying to stave off a PR disaster, red-faced politicians are playing to the...