by Bruce Turkel | Sep 3, 2024 | All About Them, Branding, Bruce Turkel, Building Brand Value, Marketing & Advertising
Click HERE to watch the video. How AI Boosted My Blog’s SEO (And How It Can Help Yours Too) When I set off on this blog adventure in 2007, one of the things I promised was that I would share what I’ve learned about blogging. Over the years, I’ve...

by Bruce Turkel | Mar 15, 2023 | All About Them, Branding, Bruce Turkel, Building Brand Value
Click HERE to watch video. How To Build a Blog When I started to build a blog almost 15 years ago, I said it was a journey we were taking together. I was going to learn to blog, and I hoped you’d accompany me. I also said I would be transparent about what I was...
by Bruce Turkel | Mar 30, 2014 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Sarah’s question: “Hi Bruce, I have a personal question regarding social media. In a nutshell, I’m working to hone my social media skills; keeping up with the ever-changing industry and learning everything there is to know so that I can become an expert in...
by Bruce Turkel | Nov 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
When I started this blog I promised to be transparent and share my experience with you. My goal has always been to build an active online community to foster relationships and foment opportunities, but to also share the journey with you so you can benefit from my...
by Bruce Turkel | Dec 20, 2011 | Uncategorized
In today’s social media-savvy world, one of the most important things you can do to increase your opportunities is to generate buzz. There are a number of activities you can undertake to increase your public perception and generate the kind of buzz that has the...