Evolution and Your Brand Value

Evolution and Your Brand Value

The speed of evolution is measured by the genetic changes of a species over time. If these genetic changes occur over a short period of time, the speed of evolution is defined as “fast.” Of course, “fast” is a matter of interpretation because, evolutionary speaking, a...
Great Minds Think Alike

Great Minds Think Alike

My friend David and I were having breakfast at the Madruga Bakery in Coral Gables, sipping our tea and chewing the fat. David was telling me about a potential client who opened a conversation with the statement, “I don’t want to steal your intellectual...
Video is the New Black

Video is the New Black

Here are some interesting online marketing facts for you: Over 70% of B2B marketers confirm that video is more effective than text for brand building. A study done a few years ago reported that social video outreach generated 1200% more shares than text and images...
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