by Bruce Turkel | Jun 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
I was a kid back in the dark ages of transistor radios. If a friend told me about a cool new song, I’d tune in to WQAM and wait until they played what I was waiting for. Usually it would take an hour or more if the song was hot. While I waited I’d get my...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 13, 2010 | Uncategorized
My friend Andrew Jaffee writes the kinds of articles that make me wish everyone could read them and that I had written them. I can’t do much about the latter but can at least help with the former by posting his brilliance. You can find more at Andrew’s...
by Bruce Turkel | Sep 22, 2009 | Uncategorized
This speaks to the current POV that agencies who focus solely on brand building and marketing will have a hard time growing their business. Clients realize they can now do much of the marketing heavy lifting themselves — and very cheaply. Agencies who focus on...
by Bruce Turkel | Aug 21, 2007 | Branding, Bruce Turkel
In the highly competitive world of sports marketing, companies have to guard their brands very carefully. So even superstars Ray Lewis and Kobe Bryant (who were eventually cleared of the allegations against them) ended up waiting months for a sponsorship opportunity....