My is about as long as my arm – people to call, people to call back, clients' jobs to work on, appointments to schedule, blog posts to write, tweets to post, emails to return and books to read.
Hey, I'm just as fast as I can but the night table is still sagging under my growing pile of books.

Thanks to Things, the computerized to do list program, most everything I need to do is neatly cataloged and updated right on my screen. And because the list automatically syncs with my iPhone, the list is always in my pocket, silently screaming out how much there is to be done.

With so much to do, and everything so well organized, why is it that I'm never sure of what I should be doing next? Especially when my favorite business books tell me EXACTLY what to do:

  • was adamant that to go from Good To Great I need to get the right people off the bus, the right people on the bus, and to make sure they're all in the right seats. I better stop this post and go work on my HR plans.
  • made it real clear in The Goal that the number one thing a manager should do is avoid being a bottleneck. So that means I should put down my personnel files and go approve those pending ads to keep my agency humming along.
  • In The E-Myth Revisited says that the thing to do is “work on your business, not in your business.” So the heck with reviewing client work, I should be finding clients to work on.
  • In Being Digital, preaches that “content is king.” Maybe I should stop prospecting and start creating more content – like this blog post that I had stopped crafting in the first place.
  • And in Younger Next Year, and say that if I don't work out intensely at least six days a week I'm not going to be in any shape to run my business anyway so maybe I ought to turn my computer off and go for a run.

Or maybe I should stop reading so much. Not only will that give me more time to get my work done but imagine how much shorter my to do list will be without all those recommended book titles cluttering it up.

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