First an admission with some very strange timing: wrote a new book that you simply have to read.
Why is the timing strange for this recommendation?

Because as you’ve no doubt seen, I’ve spent the last few weeks incessantly promoting my new book, All About Them. I’ve been on and , interviewed on and Business, done signings and podcasts, and everything else I can do to get people to order my book.

Why am I doing this?

Both because I truly believe it’ll make a difference in the way you market your own business. And because I want to be a .

Iannarino new bookIn the course of getting the word out, my friend (and author of the foreword in All About Them) Bob Burg introduced me to Anthony Iannarino. Anthony was gracious enough to interview me on his podcast. And to prepare for the interview I did a little research and about Mr. Iannarino.

I’ve only got two things to say about Anthony: 1) Wow. And 2) you have to read his new book.

Here’s a sample from Anthony’s new book, The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need:

“How is it that a small number of salespeople are hugely successful, while the rest struggle to win deals? It’s not because they sell more popular products or have less demanding clients. It’s because these top producers have the right mindset and skills to continuously deliver for their companies and their clients.

Anthony breaks down the essentials of sales performance into 19 strategies, including:

Self-discipline: the most crucial element of sales , and the most difficult. Train your discipline by creating a discipline list of good daily practices that break down your ultimate goals into actionable steps, such as calling three prospective clients a day. Make your commitments public to hold yourself accountable.

Business acumen: It’s no longer enough to know your product well; salespeople need to understand the general business and common business terminology. Most importantly, your clients are businesspeople. Sell to them by proving that you can think like a businessperson as well.

Closing: closing a sale isn’t just about the final commitment to buy. There are a series of smaller commitments required along the way. Make your prospective client commit to you by adding value through a deep understanding of their needs and a clear vision of their future.

Iannarino’s book is as useful for sales rookies who want to get their dream clients as it is for veterans who want to return to the basics to reach new heights.

This is the definitive book on sales–the only sales guide you’ll ever need.

HERE is the link where you can pre-order it.

Now I know this causes you a bit of a conflict – after all, you not only have to read my new book – All About Them – but you also need to read new release by Anthony Iannarino, The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need.

But if you think that’s a conflict for you, think about what a conflict it is for me – I have to stop promoting my book in order to promote Anthony’s.

What can I say? Anthony Iannarino’s book is that good.

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