WiFi/USB Cufflinks

I am fully committed to traveling light but this is ridiculous! Still, if you have a spare 0 burning a hole in your pocket how can you travel without them? Oh yeah, you’ll need shirts with French cuffs. Polished Silver Oval WIFI and 2 GB USB Combination...

Why Write A Blog Anyway?

One of my favorite bloggers, David Altshuler, wrote a blog explaining why he writes blogs in the first place. As I read it, I realized I couldn’t have said it better myself. So I asked David for permission to reissue his blog, only changing the specific details...

Nine Micro-Branding Tips Under $100 Each.

Last week we talked about how the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) has built a tourism marketing machine by focusing on building the singular Miami brand (you can read that post HERE). Thanks to aggressively pursuing this strategy, recent...

The Seven-Step Recipe for Marketing Success

Owen Frager is Chief Innovation Officer of the Frager Creative Group, one of the nation’s first virtual marketing communications agencies serving Fortune 500 brands.There’s a lot more to interactive digital marketing than eye-catching banner ads, discount...

The Power of the Brand

I’m sitting in a marketing committee meeting at the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB). The GMCVB is a very long-term client of ours and a great example of a client who ‘gets it.’ As with most committee meetings, we go around the room...

Free Research to Build Your Brand.

For years there’s been an ongoing debate regarding the veracity of research in the advertising world. On one side of the argument are the research proponents who believe that consumer attitudes and purchasing preferences can be accurately determined through...
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