I don’t usually use this space to rant. I try to be thoughtful, even-tempered, and even a bit circumspect in what I write about here. But today I’m typing this post with my teeth firmly clenched together and my fingers smacking the keyboard.
A few months ago I spoke to an industry group about how they should build their for . I laid out the simple rules — our Seven Steps to Building Value —and exactly how they should determine their customer-based advantages to market themselves most effectively — specifically how to make their message All About Them.

During the Q&A and the rest of the time I spent at the conference, I listened as person after person showed me their business cards, websites, brochures and so on. Of course they weren’t done the way I had suggested since they had just heard me speak. But when they told me how much money they paid “professionals” to produce such misguided work, it made my blood boil. Especially when they explained how their sales had not kept pace with the expanded business they had been promised.

If they had been given good advice they might have created powerful brands that would have moved their sales meter. But because they were given such poor advice, they not only spent too much money, but they paid the cost of not making sales and earning profits.

I felt like that madman in the movie Network (1976) who stuck his head out of the window and screamed, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore.”


That’s where our idea came from – a hands-on program where we could show entrepreneurs, small business people, and marketing folks in large companies exactly how to build their brands. We figured it would be an especially good deal for people and companies who need help with their brands but can’t afford our agency fees.

Coincidentally, while we were planning our Elite Branding Intensive,  I made a to a client committee that’s deciding how to market their own big opportunity. After reviewing the goals and the research results with the committee, I showed the first campaign we had created for them. Everyone loved it. Next I presented our second suggested campaign and everyone loved that one as well.

But before too long the sidebar conversations started. The agendas came out. The insecurities chimed in. “Maybe we should add more information” they said. “Maybe we should cover all bases.” “Maybe we should combine both campaigns.”

Maybe I should go home and stick my head in the oven!! (Of course, our oven’s electric so all I’d do is singe my hair). But remember, I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore.

At that moment it dawned on me that if more people attended our Elite Branding Intensive and understood the simple but profound concept of “All About Them,” more people would understand exactly how to and build their business.

So if we need more people to attend, why not make it even easier (read “less expensive”) for more people to attend?

Because we want to give everyone hands-on assistance, we’ve already planned very limited seating. And since we’re not going to increase the number of seats in the room, this offer will lower our profits. In fact, I might actually remove a few chairs to make sure everyone gets the attention they need.

BOGO-Tag-FinalSo here’s the deal: If you want to join us AND you want to save some money, bring a friend or partner at no extra charge. That’s right. You can bring a second person absolutely .

Split the tuition with them, let them come for free, charge them more and lower your cost — however you handle it is entirely up to you. I just want more people to attend and learn exactly how to build their brands.

Your guest will still get all their meals, all their materials, all their training, and all their surprises. The only thing I ask is that you share your hotel room because we’ve included that in the price too.

This is BY FAR the lowest price for our program. But of course the REAL deal is on the benefits to your business that will come from properly constructing .

And maybe for me in not being so annoyed anymore.

To get all the details, click HERE. But hurry before I calm down and my mind!

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