Your Brand Is Not About You.
Seven or eight years ago I found myself running into the same...
How To Beat The Auction You Cannot Win.
“The Dollar Auction game: a paradox in non-cooperative behavior and...
The Three “E”s of Successful Public Speaking
How many times have you attended a speech and decided whether the...
They Shouldn’t Not Come
Remember the scene in the movie Poltergeist when the worried parents...
Your Brand Is Not About You
“Previous generations defined themselves by the wars they fought. We...
How To Sell The Dream.
My father was an innovative and very successful real estate...
Your Kids Cannot Tell Time.
Your kids cannot tell time. Did you know that? Really, they can’t...
You Do Not Control Your Brand.
Think back 20 years. You had just checked into your hotel. You went...
Nobody Cares About Your Newsletter. Part II.
Last week we talked about the futility of sending out self-serving...
Nobody Cares About Your Newsletter.
Each day I get more than one hundred emails with titles like...
How You Can Help The Victims of Hurricane Sandy.
I usually write about branding and creativity but here’s something a...
5 Productivity Tips For Scattered Moments
Thanks to all of our time-saving devices, today’s businessperson has...
You Can Travel Even Lighter.
Those of you who have been reading my posts for a while know about...
Will LiveStrong become LieStrong?
Now that Lance Armstrong and Nike are out of LiveStrong, will the...
Are EXPLODING EYEBALLS good for your brand?
Fearless Felix jumped out of a balloon hovering at the edge of...
3 Cheap Ways To Build Your Brand (Or Become Mayor).
A partner in a successful medical services company had a problem....
Risky Is The New Safe
Spending time with people we agree with is a good way to avoid...
Do You Hate Meetings?
Do you hate meetings? I sure do. Surprising because I sit through so...