Thanks to Owen Frager for Organic’s six tips for recruiting Via Twitter:
• Create a branded company Twitter profile. Assign a key person — or automate tweets — to post jobs as they become available. This person should also be responsible for following professionals that could be potential candidates.
• Don’t be a Twitter wallflower. Engage in conversation with the people you are following — and your followers — whether you have job openings for them or not. Then, when you need to speak with someone about an opportunity, you’ve already established rapport.
• Create a protocol for your job Tweets. Consider searchability by using hash marks (#) around key words. Include a trackable URL to your job posting so you can monitor the number of click-throughs a job posting receives.
• Help your search by using a third-party tool such as TweetBeep, which alerts you to tweets relevant to your search.
• Encourage your staff to retweet job openings by providing an incentive such as a referral bonus for candidates sourced through tweeting.
• Don’t be a one-track tweeter. Be varied and creative in your approach. To keep it real and not boring or spamlike, tweet on a variety of topics including industry-related items of interest, some personal tweets and, of course, your job postings.
Click here to read the full-story of how Organic is finding all their staff on Twitter and eliminating hiring delays, mistakes and cost.