Selling Yourself
Before the Internet, selling yourself by saying how great you were was a terrific way to market your business. If you didn’t blow your horn, who would? And unless you had an enormous marketing budget and could afford a robust advertising campaign, selling yourself was the only way anyone could learn about you.
Today everything’s changed. Today we each carry a thin wafer of silicon and glass giving us immediate access to all the world’s knowledge. Got a question about a new business, product or vendor? Apple‘s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, Facebook’s M, and Google‘s search will give you more answers than you have time for.
Of course your potential clients and customers have access to the same technology. This means your business prospects can know everything about you before they walk into your store or restaurant or talk to you. As I said, today everything’s changed. Today success requires you to turn the lens around and focus relentlessly on your customer.
That’s what my new book —All About Them – is all about. It’ll show you proven, albeit counterintuitive techniques to build your brand and your business today.
If you’ve read this blog for long you can guess that the book is packed with amusing anecdotes. They are the spoonful of sugar to help the suggestions go down. Along with these illustrations you’ll find a thorough step-by-step process to selling yourself. All About Them will show you how to build your brand value based on exactly what your customers — and your potential customers — want.
Ordinarily this is where I would point you to the Amazon link and ask you to order your copy of All About Them. But today everything’s changed. What I want you to do is wait a few weeks until my publisher’s official launch of the book and then order your copies. When you do you’ll get some fantastic bonuses that will enhance your experience and help make your business even better.
If you’ve already ordered All About Them don’t worry, I’d never leave you out. Keep an eye on your email and I’ll show you how to get your great resources. After all, you were good enough to support me and I want to do the same.