Less Facts. More Feelings.

Less Facts. More Feelings.

Let’s try an experiment. Let’s dispassionately examine some of the phenomena that are front and center in our national zeitgeist these days. Please don’t be swayed by whether you agree or disagree. Just try to let the idea of what people are thinking...
Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

The advertising agency I worked at specialized in creating successful brands for residential real estate projects. We created advertising strategies, brand identity, and marketing and advertising for high-rises, gated communities, golf resorts, condominiums, and...

Can Millions Of Words Earn Millions Of Dollars?

It’s funny. Almost everywhere I read and listen, people are talking about the passive income that can be earned selling books and e-books online. Speakers at the National Speakers Association meetings speak about it; magazines such as FastCompany and Wired write...
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