Google, Do No Evil, and How It Affects You.

Google, Do No Evil, and How It Affects You.

Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about Google manipulating their Artificial Voice (AI) voice recognition software. Specifically, the company added “ums” and “ahs” to their robot voices to make them sound more human.Google was doing this to make their interactions...
Do No Evil. Unless You Do.

Do No Evil. Unless You Do.

For years Google has crowed about their code of conduct, “Don’t be evil.” In 2015 they doubled down on the concept, if not the actual words, when they introduced their new tagline “Do the right thing.”   As the company explains in their code of conduct,...

When Everything is Important, nothing is Important

The adage is as ancient as it is accurate: The wizened Indian Fakir lies down on a bed of razor-sharp nails and rests comfortably as a baby in her mother’s arms. But walk barefoot on the beach and step on an old pop-top? You cut your foot open and require...