The Instant On Generation

I was a kid back in the dark ages of transistor radios. If a friend told me about a cool new song, I’d tune in to WQAM and wait until they played what I was waiting for. Usually it would take an hour or more if the song was hot. While I waited I’d get my...

The Boomers Shall Inherit the Earth.

Between now and 2014, 10 Boomers will turn 50 years old every minute. By 2030, 20% of Americans will be 65+. What’s most remarkable is that most of them will live at least 25 years more, creating the largest and wealthiest generation in the history of the United...

Just who is your competition?

Rohit Bhargava of Ogilvy and author The Influential Marketing Blog, made me think twice today. He asked: “If we were to ask you to describe your competition, you’d probably talk about companies that do exactly what you do. The owner of an Indian restaurant will...

Emotional Mapping of Cities

VIA CNN Artist Christian Nold outfits volunteers with global positioning system devices and the sensors used in lie detector tests. Then, he sends his subjects out to wander their neighborhoods. When they return, Nold asks them to recount what they saw and felt when...