Miami’s Most Interesting People

Last week I was interviewed on The Chris Wolf show — the segment is called “Miami‘s Most Interesting People.” I don’t know if I do the title justice but I sure had fun. We talked about building brands, marketing MIami tourism and what to...

Seeing The World From The Other Side

While Hurricane Fay was threatening our houses in the Keys and Miami, I packed my bags for a trip to VisitFlorida’s Florida Governor’s Conference on Tourism at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando. My wife pointed out that I’d also been out of...

Don’t Forget World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day in 2007 is an occasion to celebrate women’s achievements in the tourism sector and stimulate continuous action in support of UN’s 3rd Millennium Development Goal: Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. There’s a photo...

Dark Tourism — Disneyworld It Ain’t

VIA Lost Weekend The travel industry is fond of its buzz phrases, such as ‘Venice of the North or South, East and West to denote anywhere from Birmingham, England, to Wroclaw, Poland, or ‘adventure travel’, to describe everything from a one-man, one-armed...

Who’d of Thunk It?

From Virginia is for lovers, not criminals. That’s why their state tourism agency is pulling ads where the models inadvertently flash a gang sign. Apparently, the heart shape they make with their hands is nearly identical to the gesture of the...