What Will ? What Will Coronavirus Not Change?

People who look ahead to let us know what’s going to happen call themselves futurists or prophets. The more cynical amongst us call them crystal ball gazers or witch doctors. After all, if fortune tellers are so good at their craft, why do they labor in first floor walkups and at carnivals when they could simply buy tomorrow’s hottest stocks today?

Often the best way to know what’s going to happen tomorrow is to understand what happened yesterday. That’s because the history of mankind is the history of disasters and epidemics repeated again and again. So while we’re all trying to figure out what to do about what’s next, we can look backwards to learn what worked in the past.

But just like the apocryphal congressman who suggested the government close the 1899 patent office because “Everything that can be invented has been,” we don’t even know what’s going to be created tomorrow that will change everything again – including a Coronavirus vaccine. What we do know is that today’s new will give us ways of dealing with our everyday lives that we’ve never had before.

So if you’ll tolerate my prognostications, here are some things I believe we can look forward to changing and not changing in the near future:

What Will Coronavirus Change?

Eating out at with friends. How comfortable are you going to feel not seeing where your food came from or who touched it?

What Will Coronavirus Not Change?

Eating with friends. Now you’ll do it at your home or their homes. We still want to be together. We just want to know who we’re being together with.

What Will Coronavirus Change?

Attending large conference and sports or entertainment events. How long will it take before you’re comfortable being in a large group of people? And even if you’re okay with that, what insurance company is going to underwrite the liability policies necessary to protect the venue and the organizers from epidemic induced lawsuits?

What Will Coronavirus Not Change?

Enjoying and from large conference and sports and entertainment events.

We still want the excitement, the knowledge, the motivation, the camaraderie. We’re just going to use existing and emerging technological solutions such as HD projection, VR googles, and holograms to let us feel the excitement without exposing ourselves to too many others.

What Will Coronavirus Change?

Shaking hands. Kissing one another hello and goodbye. Hugs. PDAs (Personal Displays of Affection).

What Will Coronavirus Not Change?

Wanting to recognize and acknowledge old and new friends. Only now we’ll do it with fist bumps, elbow taps, maybe “namaste bows.” Sure, some people will still thrust their hands in your direction when they greet you, but it will be seen as a sign of aggressive dominance, not disarming friendliness.

What Will Coronavirus Change?

The way we share information and work together to create solutions and solve problems. In the past I’ve spoken with you at conferences, shaken your hand at book signings, worked together in conference rooms and offices. But what happens when we can’t, or won’t, get together?

What Will Coronavirus Not Change?

We’ll still have the need to build relationships to help one another and work on our businesses and ourselves to reach our goals and thrive together. We’re just going to have to do it in new ways.

I’m working on new projects to do that and will be sharing more information soon. I look forward to asking for your help to design my programs to fit your needs so we can solve your problems together.

What Will Coronavirus Not Change?

The information, solutions, and concern we share with one another. Or our desire to build the relationships to do so together.
