How Can Help Your
I’ve got some great news for both of us. My fifth book, All About Them, is on press and will officially release on August 16 from Da Capo Press. YOU are a big part of this book which is why I’m sharing the news with you on my blog.

is based on everything I’ve learned about building my brand and everything I’ve learned over the last decade of writing about how to build your brand.

Order All About Them and help my brandI’m hoping All About Them becomes the instruction manual for getting ahead in a world that’s spinning faster and faster and where is becoming mere cost-of-entry for . Here’s a hint: Being will require creating your brand and marketing it in brand new ways for brand new times.

Over the next few months I’m going to tell you all about what’s going on with All About Them. I’ll introduce you to the concepts discussed in the book and show you lots of ways to get involved; Special programs, social media opportunities, exclusive events, and many other ways to build your brand and help me make a big splash for All About Them.

What I’d love you to do right now to help my brand  is simple – just click HERE and preorder All About Them.

If we can generate significant upfront interest it will further convince my publisher that my book is going to be a big success and that they should produce more and make sure that it’s available from coast-to-coast.

I’ve sent pre-release copies to business authors who matter and will share their comments with you too. Here’s are some very nice words from , author of Dealstorming and Love Is the Killer App.

“A must read for modern who want to cut through the noise, forge deep connections, and create memorable experiences.”

And this from , author of One Phone Call Away and The Opportunity Magnet.

“A brilliant guide to becoming an icon. Bruce Turkel is the of branding experts.”

I am justifiably proud of my new book. And I’ll feel even better when I know people are reading All About Them and using it to build their own brands and build their businesses.  Thank you for helping with my brand and thank you — as always — for your warm and gracious support.

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