Power of Simplicity

Power of Simplicity

Simplicity in design also helps create a sense of calm, aids in comprehension, and provides an attractive focal point for attention.
Simplicity allows viewers to concentrate and appreciate what matters most while helping them disregard what doesn't.
Simplicity separates the wheat from the chaff, the critical from the superfluous, the important from the less so.
The Power of Simplicity has been an essential subject for designers and communicators to encourage focus, meaning, and action.

An Ironic Sales Technique

An Ironic Sales Technique

As I wrote in my last book, ?, and as our group discusses in my Strategic Roundtables, sometimes the most successful sales technique is to turn your liability into an asset. Or, as I wrote in the book, “Make Your Scar Your Star.”
The simple humanity of accepting and presenting our fallibility – whether planned or not – works in sales, branding, and life.

Increased Business Opportunity for Solopreneurs

Increased Business Opportunity for Solopreneurs

If we find this example of a business opportunity staring us in the face on something we see all the time, imagine how many more opportunities are out there just waiting to be pounced on.
Ideas swirl all around us all the time. All you have to do is pay attention, separate the need from the noise, and start creating the solution.
And then, once you figure out what that solution could be, you have to strike while the iron's hot. Because as my dad used to say, “When a business opportunity knocks, you can't say, ‘Come back later.'”

Super Bowl Commercials

Super Bowl Commercials

The quality of the 57 Super Bowl commercials can all be judged by how much liquid you produced when you watched them.
A commercial was delectable if it made your mouth water.
A commercial was touching if it made you tear up a little.
And a commercial was funny if it caused you to pass your drink through your nose.
But if all the commercial did was give you a good excuse to get up and go to the bathroom, then that's about all it was worth.

What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?

Take a moment to revisit a time when you made a decision, along with a list of the pros and cons involved. Looking back, you'll realize how little you comprehended the consequences of your choices. For example, you might have taken a job because you believed it would propel you in a specific direction, only to glance at the desk next to you and fall head over heels in love with the person sitting there. You end up marrying that person and completely altering your life. Looking at it this way, you realize that you didn't fully grasp what you were doing—you were making the best choice you could at the time.
That brings us back to Hopkins' question: What's your story?

Sadness or Euphoria?

Sadness or Euphoria?

Think about the news these days. Regardless of which end of the seesaw you're sitting on, there's a good chance you believe you are rational and the people who disagree with you are insane.
Yes or no? Good or bad? Black or white? Up or down? Right or wrong? Democrat or Republican? Bi-polar disease or today's global reality?
Billy Joel summed it up almost 50 years ago, “Though we choose between reality and madness, it's either sadness or euphoria.”

Overcoming Uncertainty

Overcoming Uncertainty

Let's face it: we're all in a state of uncertainty. We don't know what will happen with the economy, climate change, world politics, or the upcoming election. The only thing we're sure about is that there will be lots more turmoil and confusion, and there's a good chance that things could get worse before they get better.
The actions we will have to take – and the pivots we will have to make – for overcoming uncertainty will require know-how, vision, and courage. And one more thing. Because while we don't know what's waiting for us right around the corner, we do know that we have to keep moving forward to try and find our way. And one more thing…

AI and ChatGPT

AI and ChatGPT

Are you interested in AI and ?
You're not alone. When I had the AI bot write my blog post a couple of months ago and used AI to produce the video without shooting a custom video blog, the post received more interest and comments than anything I've written in 15 years. When Sam Richter and I hosted a webinar on using AI and ChatGPT just a few weeks ago, over 600 people signed up to learn how to put the new technology to work for them.
Why? Because the new technology appears fearfully magical and something almost everyone feels they need to understand.
Whether you're a business owner, tech enthusiast, or simply curious about what the heck AI and ChatGPT are all about, this video will lead you to the insights that will leave you inspired.

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