People To Help You Cope With the Coronavirus Crises.

The Coronavirus outbreak has given new meaning to the term, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

And thanks to Coronavirus we’re all dealing with the “.” But pretty soon we’ll just call it “normal.”

This new global pandemic affects all of us on a lot of levels. Many of you are sick of being at home, sick of not earning a , sick of not being able to see your loved ones, etc. etc.

Of course none of that is as bad as those of you who have contracted the virus or worse – lost a loved one. There’s a big difference between being inconvenienced and being inconsolable. You have my complete sympathy.

Because we know that this is going to be our way of life for a long time, we need to start talking about what we’re going to do next. What I have learned is that it’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know that leads to in so many situations. Let’s talk about some business resources that can make your life better in these terrible times.

Two quick disclaimers:

  • I am not making medical . As I wrote in my last post, every infectious disease expert and medical professional I’ve listened to (including my personal hero – my wife Gloria Nuñez-, ARNP, NP-C, FNP-BC) says it is critical to keep a safe distance from others until Coronavirus passes.
  • I have no affiliate relationships with any of these resources and I do not earn commissions from them. They don’t even know I’m sending this to you. I’m just trying to put good people together to help everyone involved.

Family and Friends

If you’re looking for ways to deal with what’s going on, my friend Caroline de Posada has been preparing for this her whole life. Caroline consults with companies, parents, and family members who have been separated from their love ones.

If you’re having trouble figuring out what to do with your children after having them at home 24/7, my friend David Altshuler is the leading child development consultant in the country.

If you’re in a family business and worrying about how to work with your adult children or adult parents who don’t always act like adults, Barry Banther is the leading family business consultant in America.

And if you need to figure out how to stay sane during all this craziness, contact Susan Ford Collins. Susan is “The People Whisperer” and has an uncanny way of knowing exactly what you need to hear.


Need to motivate your employees? Ross Bernstein is the best motivational speaker I have ever seen. His message is powerful enough to pop right off the screen.

Need to set up those Zoom calls and know how to use them? consultant Mary Kelly.

Need strategy and implementation? Ana Polyakova.

Need new sales strategies? Contact Meridith Elliot Powell or Mark Hunter.

Need video to talk to your employees and customers? Bob Berkowitz.

Need to figure out how to research new customers and clients? Sam Richter.

Need to figure out how to create online events? at Extreme Meetings.

Need to create better presentations? Terri Sjodin.

Need voiceovers and recordings? Doug Turkel (Yup, my brother. He’s the best).

Need help crafting your new story? David Bricker.

Web hosting and programming: David Lee or Werner Kwiatkowski.

and SEM strategy and implementation: Sasha Jovicic.

You’re going to need content for those sites. Here are a few of the best writers I have worked with: Greg Wheeler and Kirk Kaplan.

If you’re not happy with the headshots you’re using and you’re on the East Coast, contact Jerry Levine. If you’re on the West Coast, call David Laporte.


Worried about your finances? Here are two recommendations to help you understand what you have, what’s available to you, and what you should be doing:

Fred Kettler and David Bibicoff at Kettler Financial.

John Bussel and Karl Schwartz at Team Hewins.

Want to take advantage of today’s low interest rates? Contact Elaine Lowy at TD Bank. Concerned about your banking relationships? Call Penny Levenson at Professional Bank.


Be good to yourself. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. And start planning for what comes next.

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