Three Questions Every Professional Needs to Ask
The Three Questions Every Professional Needs to Ask. As service...
Unintended Consequences
When you see something you don’t understand and you exclaim, “WTF??!!” understand that those initials do not stand for “What The F@#k??!!” but instead mean “Where’s The Future??!!” Because each time your intuition tells you that something odd is going on, it’s also telling you there could be unintended consequences in the making. That could mean that there’s a potential opportunity brewing too. It’s up to you to find it.
The Value of Branding
The real value of branding lies in its proven ability to improve your business and make you money. Because when there’s a clear alignment between your company’s authentic truth and your customers’ aspirations, and when your brand can truly make your customers feel good about themselves, the value of branding becomes invaluable.
Brand Motivation – Do You Know Yours?
There are as many motivations for building brands as there are people who build them. But if you step back from your marketing efforts for a moment and truly look at the why of what you do you’ll probably find some insight into building a better brand is based in one of five critical brand motivation drivers.
My Brand Can Help Your Brand
I am justifiably proud of my new book. And I’ll feel even better when I know people are reading All About Them and using it to build their own brands and build their businesses. Thank you for helping with my brand and thank you — as always — for your warm and gracious support.
The Donald Trump brand v. The Hillary Clinton brand
Unless Bernie Sanders can appeal to the Democratic Super Delegates’...
One Word Brands. The Key to Donald Trump’s Success.
One Word Brands. The Key to Donald Trump’s Success. Of the estimated...
Brand Positioning. Positioning Brands.
Brand Positioning. Positioning Brands. Have you seen someone wearing...
How To Create A Name For Your Business
How To Create A Name.When I was a kid I worked in one of my parents’...
Did I Do the Right Thing?
Did I Do the Right Thing? Last week I posted a blog entitled, Prince...
Prince – The Brand
Prince passed away last week and the whole world mourned. Even my...
Brand Building – Communicate as profitably as possible.
The key to brand building, then, is to make sure your brand is All About Them. That is, make sure your brand communicates most directly and empathetically with the people you want to do business with.
Brand Building Methods.
The old school way to build a brand was to work on sales pitches. The better you pitch, the more you sell. But today it’s essential to uncover the essential truths that will help you construct an offer that consumers will be compelled to choose. Because as I’ve talked about so many times before, the key to building a powerful brand is to discover your authentic truth and express it to your audiences by showing them how your brand resonates in their lives.
Brand Strategies for Fun and Profit.
Managing expectations is a great way to build and reinforce a brand image but it does require operations to live up to promises.
How to Create a Brand
Knowing how to create a brand requires two components – the talent of the creator AND the resources of the patron.
What is a Brand?
What is a brand?My pal (and incredible drummer and very funny guy)...
How To Build A Brand
How To Build A BrandI’m sitting in a very comfortable reclining...
Turning Liabilities into Assets.
Turning liabilities into assets. I’ve talked about it many times...