Selling Books. Three Great Tips.
Selling Books.Selling books has gone from “If you build it they will...
How do you get a Bestseller?
How do you get a Bestseller? How do you get to Carnegie Hall?...
Bestseller. How-To Guide.
All About Them is a damn good manifesto for marketing in the new world. It will show you how to promote your business to new levels of success. But with all the other great stuff you’ll simply for ordering now, it’s a no-brainer. What’s the catch? Just this: this deal ends at midnight on September 6th, 201
Write a Book
I could have written All About Them to help friends and readers like you tackle the new world we all find ourselves in. Of course I could have written it to serve as the post-modern guidebook for businesses, professionals, and entrepreneurs to learn how to not just survive but to thrive in today’s increasingly connected environment. And yes, I could have written it to show you proven, step-by-step techniques to build a powerful brand.
But c’mon. We’ve been blog friends now for as many as nine years and we’ve always been honest with each other. The reason to write a book was to make my mother happy.
Selling Yourself Doesn’t Work Anymore
All About Them is all about selling yourself by using proven, albeit counterintuitive, techniques to build your brand and build your business in today’s uncertain new world.
Believe In Your Brand
Believe In Your BrandI’m sitting with a potential client who is...
Shorting Stocks for Fun and Profit
I know next to nothing about buying stocks, shorting stocks, investing or speculation strategy. And until now, shorting stocks has always been something worth doing against my investment recommendations. But what I do know how to do is build brand value. And I also know when that value is about to come crashing down.
Ashley Madison on Branding Adultery
Just as nothing will bring back the lives and marriages damaged by the affairs Ashley Madison facilitated, nothing will bring back the company’s initial success either. Because once the company failed to live up to their authentic truth of discretion, they cheated on themselves and created a new business model that’s answering the question nobody’s asking.
Three Questions Every Professional Needs to Ask
The Three Questions Every Professional Needs to Ask. As service...
Unintended Consequences
When you see something you don’t understand and you exclaim, “WTF??!!” understand that those initials do not stand for “What The F@#k??!!” but instead mean “Where’s The Future??!!” Because each time your intuition tells you that something odd is going on, it’s also telling you there could be unintended consequences in the making. That could mean that there’s a potential opportunity brewing too. It’s up to you to find it.
The Value of Branding
The real value of branding lies in its proven ability to improve your business and make you money. Because when there’s a clear alignment between your company’s authentic truth and your customers’ aspirations, and when your brand can truly make your customers feel good about themselves, the value of branding becomes invaluable.
Brand Motivation – Do You Know Yours?
There are as many motivations for building brands as there are people who build them. But if you step back from your marketing efforts for a moment and truly look at the why of what you do you’ll probably find some insight into building a better brand is based in one of five critical brand motivation drivers.
My Brand Can Help Your Brand
I am justifiably proud of my new book. And I’ll feel even better when I know people are reading All About Them and using it to build their own brands and build their businesses. Thank you for helping with my brand and thank you — as always — for your warm and gracious support.
The Donald Trump brand v. The Hillary Clinton brand
Unless Bernie Sanders can appeal to the Democratic Super Delegates’...
One Word Brands. The Key to Donald Trump’s Success.
One Word Brands. The Key to Donald Trump’s Success. Of the estimated...
Brand Positioning. Positioning Brands.
Brand Positioning. Positioning Brands. Have you seen someone wearing...
How To Create A Name For Your Business
How To Create A Name.When I was a kid I worked in one of my parents’...
Did I Do the Right Thing?
Did I Do the Right Thing? Last week I posted a blog entitled, Prince...