The Best Way to Get Hired.

The Best Way to Get Hired.

Anyone directly involved in sales, marketing, leadership, or customer service, as well as anyone who produces art, music, professional services, or any other commercial product or service, has asked themselves this same question:
What’s the best way to get hired?
Anyone who sells advertising, design, PR, promotion, social media marketing, e-commerce consulting, or other sales tools has not only been paid to answer this question for their own customers, but has also asked it about their own business.

Now THAT’S a Blog Post!

Now THAT’S a Blog Post!

Just as “Fishing” isn’t called “Catching,” “Investing” isn’t called “Earning.” You win some, you lose some. If your risk tolerance is so low that you can’t accept that, you shouldn’t be in the game. There’s nothing wrong with sitting on the sidelines if that suits your temperament. But the point of this blog post is that there’s no reason to believe you’re inherently flawed because you can’t stand the heat. Just step out of the kitchen.

Was Jimmy Buffett’s Death Coincidental or Ironic?

Was Jimmy Buffett’s Death Coincidental or Ironic?

The American Cancer Society says if caught early, the chance of living at least five years after a Merkel Cell Carcinoma diagnosis is over 75%. But if the cancer has spread, the likelihood of five-year survival drops below 25%.
Because it’s easier to stay out of trouble than get out of trouble, blocking the sun’s rays in the first place is preferable to removing skin cancers after they take hold.
If Jimmy Buffett had done that, perhaps he’d still be with us, enjoying his life and making us smile.
In his song Volcano, Buffett sang, “I don’t want to land on no Three Mile Island; don’t want to see my skin a-glow.”
Considering Jimmy Buffett’s death, THAT’S sadly ironic.

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?
I’m curious to know when you’ve had the type of moment or vision that helped you figure out what you wanted to do and where you wanted to go.
How were you able to visualize it?
How were you able to act on it?
And if you did make a significant change, did the reality of your new life or your new direction square up with the vision you had that caused you to make a switch?
Of course, it doesn’t have to be a career change. It could be a change of venue, a change of personal status, a change of viewpoint, or a change of belief.
But whatever it is, I’d like to know how you identified it, acted on it, and evaluated the results as you looked for the answer.

Steal Smart.

Steal Smart.

It doesn’t matter whether you already knew about Newton’s declaration, “If I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” or if you just learned of this concept today. What matters is that from now on, when you look for new ways to get what you want, remember to steal smart and use creative interpretations of proven best practices instead of always trying to reinvent the wheel.

How To Save A Life.

How To Save A Life.

My friend Thomas Cantrell went to Florida a few weeks ago a regular guy and left a hero. Thomas saved the life of a young lady who was drowning. He also saved her dad.
Thomas taught me how to save a life.
“I noticed somebody in the ocean close to where the waves were breaking, and something just looked wrong. I didn’t know what the problem was; I didn’t even think about it; I just raced to the water. Then I heard her scream…”

What is Web 3?

What is Web 3?

What is Web 3? Believe it or not, there is no universally agreed-upon definition for Web 3.0…
Roughly stated, Web 3.0 is a concept that describes the future direction of the Internet, focusing on enhanced user experiences, advanced technologies, and a more intelligent and personalized web. It generally involves the integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) to create more sophisticated and interconnected online experiences. Web 3.0 aims to provide users with a more decentralized, secure, and personalized web environment.”
I’m sure you’ve already realized that none of that ambiguity means that there aren’t scores of engineers, marketers, and futurists working on Web 3.0, selling Web 3.0, and prognosticating on Web 3.0…

Is Santos a Synonym for Lying?

Is Santos a Synonym for Lying?

NY Democrat Rep. Ritchie Torres put forward the Stop Another Non-Truthful Office Seeker Act, which would require candidates to disclose their background under oath so that they can be punished for lying. In case you didn’t notice, the act’s title is an acronym that spells SANTOS. If this goes through, it will turn George Santos’ name into a synonym for deception and betrayal forever, just as history has done for Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold.

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