Spreading Mind Viruses

Man, do I sit around a lot of conference tables. Between client meetings, new business presentations, community boards, strategic retreats, and non-profit groups, it feels like the corporate conference table is becoming my natural environment. Every table — and every...

Physician, Heal Thyself

I was sitting at the table at a conference recently, listening to a world-renowned speaker talking about differentiating business brands. The young woman who raised her hand to ask a question was going on and on about her business problems and her personal problems;...

What you can learn from Sean Hannity.

I read an interesting article in October tenth’s New York Times titled, Victory Lap for Fox and Hannity. This paragraph stopped me: “… Fox is the envy of the media industry for its popularity, and perhaps too for its consistency — something that Mr. Hannity...


My daughter and I came home from Publix the other day with a trunk full of groceries. When we dumped the bags on the kitchen counter we realized we had forgotten the basil and almond paste. Whole Foods is a lot closer to our house than Publix, so we shot over there to...

Reaching Today’s Gay Consumer.

For the past few years, advertising to gay audiences has been the hypocritical little secret of a lot of marketers. They’re seduced by the demographics and sheer purchasing power of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) consumers but they’re...
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