When Everything is Important, nothing is Important
The adage is as ancient as it is accurate: The wizened Indian Fakir...
Hidden In Plain Sight – Hawaii
Pre-Inforce Your Business
Marketing Minute-MPEG-4 from Mo Moghari on Vimeo.
How to Choose (or be) a Great Speaker
I spend a lot of time speaking at corporate conferences and events....
The Revolution will NOT be Televised.
It’ll be on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.Listen. Did you hear...
Giving Your Customer What They Want
Every bit of up-to-date business advice I read talks about how...
Seeing Through Transparency
Seeing Through Transparency Legends and fairy tales have always been...
A Whale of a Good Idea
Metaphors and allegories are often great ways to make complicated...
Algorithms vs. Elbow Grease.
Today’s battle between algorithms and elbow grease might just be the largest social experiment and reorganization of responsibility and renumeration humankind has yet experienced. But much like the mouse running around in a researcher’s maze, we don’t know which turn will get us to the cheese nor which one will lead us to a dead end.
Does the Second Amendment Trump the First Amendment?
Based on the simplicity and ubiquity of the First Amendment, Americans think freedom of speech is a basic right that we all enjoy. Unfortunately, the Florida legislature clearly thought otherwise when they voted against even discussing solutions to school shootings.
Traveling Light 2018
Because I travel so much, I spend a lot of time out of the office. It’s been a great opportunity to use – and further refine – all the travel hacks that make my journeys so much easier. If you spend a little time and effort on traveling with only what you need, you’ll find your journeys are less stressful and a lot more fun. Here’s how…
When Opportunity Knocks…
My father used to say, “When opportunity knocks you can’t say ‘come back later.” But what do you do when opportunity doesn’t knock but instead blares its autobahn-tuned air horns asking to come in and purchase when your store is closed?
A Dozen Oysters and Your Brand Strategy.
The Swan Oyster Depot does all this because after 115 years in business they know who they are and why their customers keep coming back. Whether they know it or not, the guys behind the counter have carefully aligned their products and services and their authentic truth, with their customers’ aspirational desires. They clearly and consistently talk their talk and walk their walk and reinforce their brand value.
You Could Build a Business on That.
Showing your customers not just how you can help them achieve what they want but how they can be who they want to be puts you in a singular position way above your competition.
Futureproof Your Brand and Your Business.
Your consumers’ reasons for buying what you sell, as well as their ability to pay for those purchases, is changing faster than ever before. And whether your customers are soon-to-be-unemployed cab and truck drivers or household purchasers who have just discovered Amazon Prime, it’s critical for your messaging and sales strategies to change as well.
I’m Smart. You’re Stupid.
Do critical social media posts help or hurt your brand? The whole concept of online virality is based on the energy and actions of people distributing information to people who view it and pass it on and so on and so forth.
The Evolution of the Species.
In this article I’m telling you a little bit about how I’m going to try to evolve in 2018. Or, as my friend wrote back when I reached out: “If you evolve anymore, you’ll be flapping your arms and flying.”
The More Things Change, The More Things Change.
The way to futureproof your brand is to build it around the true emotional benefit you provide for your customers. By letting them know that their lives are better because they do business with you, you’ll be letting your customers know that they should continue to work with you because of — or in spite of — where technology takes us.