Dinner in the Sky, 165 Feet Up
By Jayne Clark, USA TODAY Here's a dining concept that'll make...
The Medium Is The Message, Part IX (Public Service)
Hilbama? Barinton?
What else would you call this hilarious Photoshop combination of...
Women’s Aid Organization of Malaysia Posts It
A poster campaign from the Women’s Aid Organization of Malaysia to...
Boxers or Briefs?
Those of you who know how much I travel also know that I'm pretty...
Paper Is Out, Cellphones Are In
VIA NYT First came the kiosk, a strange addition to airport...
Trapped workers develop a line in doodling
By Lucy Kellawa, guest bloggerI draw boxes. I draw them carefully in...
Niche Travel Marketing
No Go Logos
Can you believe these logos? I guess the old adage -- some clients...
Deliver a Presentation Like Steve Jobs.
As you may know, I spend a lot of my time traveling the world...
Steve Jobs Macworld 2008 Keynote in 60 Seconds
Didn't have time to watch Steve Job's whole speech? Here's the whole...
Cool New Ads You May Not Have Seen
George McGinnis- California State University Professor of Graphic Design
Tim Sanders- Author, Love is the Killer App!
Guest Blogger: Frager on Copywriting
Interesting insight from Owen Frager: In a new study released in the...
Holiday eCards
I generally think eCards are the lazy man's way to send holiday...
Merry Christmas to More
TURKEL is a travel and tourism branding agency with a mission so...